Tue 11th March 2014
Always a soft touch for dogs in distress, Liam recently rescued a beautiful Springer Spaniel from what may have been her final resting place at the vets.

Now named ‘Lucky’, this fortunate pup is undergoing rehabilitation and socialising for re-homing at our kennels near Hailsham, where Liam is happy to give up his time for such a worthy cause.
Lucky has a nervous disposition due to previous bad treatment but is warming to her trainers and beginning to relieve her shyness around other dogs with the help of her new companion, ‘Poppy’ – another Springer Spaniel currently being trained by Liam and the AGK9 team.
Liam says Lucky will finish her training towards the end of March when she will join other Waifs & Strays’ dogs needing a home.
If you would like further information about Lucky please do get in touch.
posted under:Company News, Training, Waifs & Strays, Featured
Thu 6th March 2014

AGK9 Training are delighted to announce the next training course at our HQ near Hailsham in Sussex:
Security Dog Handler Training
Monday 24th to Saturday 29th March
EDI Level 2 – General Purpose Security Dog Handler
Led by Liam Hastings, this 6 day course is the British standard and industry recognised entry level qualification to become a Security Dog Handler, providing trainees with the skills, confidence and understanding to work with a trained security dog.
Course Content & Criteria
All of our courses for security dog and handler training are NTIPDU and EDI (ASET) accredited, and based on our 33 acre training ground.
Please contact us to find out more or book your place on the course.
Security Dog Handler training courses will continue once per month in 2014, with dates for April onwards to be announced in the coming week.
posted under:Company News, Training, Featured
Mon 4th November 2013
AlphaGuardK9 and AGK9 Specialist Training provide regular training courses at our training grounds near Lewes and Hailsham in Sussex.
Security Dog Handler Training and CPD is generally available at least once per month and various Dog Training sessions are available as part of a course or as one-to-one training for pet dogs with behavioural issues.
The team have been busy with our security services and completing the dog kennels at our HQ near Hailsham over the last few months and we intend to organise our next training course in mid January 2014. Please watch this space for upcoming dates in the near future.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused, however you are always welcome to contact us to enquire regarding any of our training courses, dates and criteria.
posted under:Company News, Training
Thu 30th May 2013
AlphaGuardK9’s professional dog trainers featured at the Waifs & Strays Family Fun Day on 25th May in Seaford, Sussex.
Headed by Liam and Niall Hastings, their canine partners and guest appearances from Waifs & Strays’ own furry friends, the father and son team are pleased to report a great demonstration entertained the event’s early morning visitors, and the fundraising day proved very successful for our dog rescue organisation.

We look forward to the next Waifs & Strays event, where we will no doubt perform again. In the meantime, our demo team of professional security dog handlers and canine partners are available for events throughout the UK – contact us for further details – and follow further fundraising news on the dedicated Waifs & Strays Fundraising page on Facebook:
posted under:Company News, Waifs & Strays, Featured
Mon 18th June 2012
A number of projects should reach completion as we head towards the end of June.
New Kennel Block
At our HQ in Rickney, the conversion of the milking parlour into dog kennels has been a challenge. Loads of hard work and time has gone into creating our new kennel block, which we are very proud of.

New Website
Thanks largely to the patience of Dawn from Migrate Media our new website is now undergoing development.
With an increasing number of services and ever-expanding client base, we have decided it is time to upgrade and are looking forward to the unveiling; you will find detailed information regarding all of our training, animal handling and security services, and we look forward to keeping you updated on our blog.
We plan to eventually extend the website with an online shop offering dog leads, collars and training aids.
Waifs & Strays Dog Rescue
We now have a dog rescue page running on Facebook; if you haven’t already, please join us:
Find out more about Waifs & Strays Dog Rescue here.
posted under:Company News
Mon 18th June 2012
AlphaGuardK9 have a constantly changing team of partly and fully trained security dogs for sale, undergoing continual development with our highly experienced professional dog trainers.

These dogs are for sale to professional working homes only.
Please contact Liam on 0845 602 9197 or use our handy enquiry form (select subject: ‘Dogs For Sale’) for further details about our current dogs for sale.
posted under:Company News, Featured
Mon 23rd April 2012
DEFRA’s dog control bill is set to make dog microchipping compulsory in England, to help tackle the problem of irresponsible dog owners.
Microchipping is the best way of tracing lost animals or proving ownership.
Having seen a notable increase in the number of stray dogs collected in recent months, please can we remind all dog owners:
If you lose your dog …
Do get your dog microchipped.
Do keep your dog’s microchip details up to date.
Do ring the police and dog wardens straight away.
Do make sure your phone is monitored.
DEFRA have launched a public consultation – running from 23 April 2012 to the 15 June 2012 – and would like to hear from anyone with an interest in responsible dog ownership, including: enforcement agencies; people working with dogs; animal welfare organisations; dog keeping organisations; and the general public.
Further information is available here:
AlphaGuardK9 offer a quick and painless microchipping service for your pet dog or canine security partner, performed by our professional animal handlers. Find out more here.
posted under:Company News, Animal Handling